RLCC Map خريطة المركز الاقليمي لمكافحة الليشمانيا

Aug 14, 2016

More Medicine Donation - RLCC 2016 مزيداً من المنح الدوائية لمرضى الليشمانيا في اليمن

وصول دفعة جديدة من أدوية الليشمانيا - حقن البنتوستام 100مل - مقدمة من شركة ستيفل/جلاكسو سميث كلاين، لمنحها بالمجان للمحتاجين من مرضى الليشمانيا في اليمن، عبر المركز الاقليمي لمكافحة الليشمانيا - اليمن، وفروعه في محافظات صنعاء، البيضاء، اب، وحجة - أغسطس 2016.The Regional Leishmaniasis Control Center (RLCC), Yemen, received a new quantity of Pentostam 100ml injections from Stiefel, a GSK company, to be granted to needy leishmaniasis patients in the Republic of Yemen - Aug 2016.


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Awarding additional quantity of Pentostam injections at the RLCC office in Sana'a, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed A. Al-Kamel (Chair, RLCC), Stiefel/GSK officer in Yemen and some volunteers of the Regional Leishmaniasis Control Center office in Sana'a; (Dr. Gamal Al-Kamel (RLCC’s Lab Technician, Omar Al-Kamel (Public Relations officer), Arafat Al-Areki (Technical officer), Ms. Ashwag (Nurse). Aug. 13, 2016.

Granting anti-leishmanial medicine (Pentostam injections) to needy student patients at Primary and Intermediate schools in the endemic Hajjah governorate by volunteers of the Regional Leishmaniasis Control Center (RLCC), Hajjah unit, Hajjah governorate, Yemen. Dr. Nabil Mogali (The Unit Manager) and Dr. Zakaria Ahmed (Vice-Manager). 2016.

 Taking care of child Yemeni leishmaniasis patients and granting them the free proper medicine in Ibb governorate, by Dr. Shayef Alarhbi, The Manager of the RLCC, Ibb unit, Al-Sabrah, Najad Al-Jumaie, Yemen. 2016.

Granting medicine to a female child suffering from the disfiguring Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis of the lips, at RLCC's Al-Baydhaa unit - Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel. 2016.

Al Saeeda TV interview with the volunteers at the RLCC, Hajjah unit. Dr. Nabil Mogali (Manager), Dr. Zakaria Ahmed (Vice-Manager), and others. Apart of Al-Saeeda Space Channel about the Medicine Donation and the efforts of the RLCC in Yemen to eradicate the neglected leishmaniasis disease from the endemic Hajjah governorate and Yemen as a whole. Photo at the RLCC' Hajjah unit office. 2016.

Father and his child receiving medicine grant at the RLCC, Ibb unit. 2016.

Granting medicine to a male child suffering from the disfiguring Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis of the lips, at the RLCC's head office in Sana'a - Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel and Ms. Ashwag. 2016.

Granting medicine to father of an infected female child at RLCC's Al-Baydhaa unit, Radaa district - Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel, Mr. Foad Ghalib and Shafik Nasser (Health Worker). 2016.

Dr. Shayef Alarhbi (Manager, RLCC's Ibb unit) granting Pentostam injection to a child with leishmaniasis disease at RLCC's Ibb unit office in Al-Sabrah district, Ibb gov., Yemen. 2016.

Granting medicine to needy infected women at the RLCC's Hajjah unit, Hajjah city, Hajjah Gov., Yemen. 2016.

Granting medicine to female child suffering from the deforming Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis of the nose at the RLCC's Al-Baydhaa unit - Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel (Chair, RLCC, Yemen). 2016.

Granting medicine to a father who his 2-yer-old child suffers from the fatal Visceral Leishmaniasis (Referred from the 70th Public Hospital, Sana'a) at the RLCC's head office in Sana'a. 2016.

Introducing RLCC's Medicine Donation Program to a leading governmental official at the Regional Leishmaniasis Control center (RLCC), Ibb unit. Dr. Shayef Alarhbi (Unit Manager). 2016.

Granting medicine to a father of a child suffering from disfiguring Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis of the lips, at the RLCC's Al-Baydhaa unit, Radaa, Yemen. Mr. Foad Ghalib (Vice manager, Radaa Unit). 2016.

Granting medicine at the RLCC's Al-Baydhaa unit - Dr. Mohamed A. Al-Kamel (Chairmann, RLCC). 2016.

Free examination, diagnosis and treatment of a referred female child complaining of the fatal visceral leishmaniasis by Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel, at the Regional Leishmaniasis Control Center’s (RLCC) clinic in Sana’a. This child was fully cured after one month’s regular IV infusion treatment sessions by the RLCC’s freely supplied Na-stibogluconate (Pentostam), at the 70th Public Hospital in Sana’a, by direct supervision of Dr. Ahmed Shamsan. 
Dr. Al-Kamel treating two Yemeni patients with big cutaneous leishmaniasis ulcers by local infiltration method, at the RLCC’s clinics in Sana’a and Radaa.